24 JULY 1926, Page 32

A little book by Mr. J. Henry Jones. Healing by

Manipula- tion (Watts, 2s. 6d.), written entirely for ordinary readers, explains very clearly the theory of " Chiropractic "-that the majority of diseases arise from pressure on nerves leading from the spine, and that the adjustment of the dorsal vertebrae can cure these diseases. We recommend this book largely because of the fourth chaptar--" The Limitations of Chiro- practic "- which sets forth what the art can and cannot achieve : there is no claim that this new method of treatment is a " cure-all." We are treading on .dangerous ground in recommending a book by a "quack,' but we do recommend it emphatically for its sanity. Chiropractors have trebled their numbers in a very few years, and are now legally recognized in the United States.