24 JULY 1936, Page 3

The Week in Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes :--Mr. Ernest

Brown's speech in introducing the Unemployment Regulations was a remarkable feat of physical endurance. For nearly two hours he battled with interruptions as noisy and bitter as any that a National Government candidate has to face, even in a hotly contested industrial constituency at a by-election. Mr. Brown was quite unruffled by it, and throughout he gave no sign of exhaustion or ill temper. Another man with a less combative temperament would no doubt have been more conciliatory. Lord Rushcliffe, for instance, if he were still Minister of Labour, would probably have been able to explain the regulations without any uproar at all. But Mr. Brown lacks the persuasive gifts. He does, however, make up for them by inexhaustible industry and a thorough grasp of detail, both of which he displayed to a remarkable degree in his speech.