24 JULY 1936, page 3

Health Centres

Sir Farquhar Buzzard, the new Physician-in-Ordinary to the King, on Tuesday gave to the British Medical Association at Oxford a presidential address of more than ordinary......

Mr. Churchill Delivered One Of His Oblique Attacks On The

Government which fell very flat. There is no doubt that he is very genuinely alarmed at the condition of our defences, that he has a wealth of expert knowledge at his disposal......

The Minister For Co-ordinating Defence Was Not At His Best

in the debates on the Supplementary Estimates for Defence on Monday afternoon. What the House required was a detailed and dispassionate survey of the work of the departments and......

Of The Opposition Contributions I Thought That Of Mr. Graham

White easily the best. Speaking without a note and with deep knowledge of the practical workings of the Means Test, he made an attack on the regulations all the more effective......

The Week In Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent...

Brown's speech in introducing the Unemployment Regulations was a remarkable feat of physical endurance. For nearly two hours he battled with interruptions as noisy and bitter as......

The Danzig Constitution Herr Greiser, The President Of The .

Danzig Senate, allowed exactly a fortnight to elapse after his demonstra- tion at Geneva before carrying out his threat. On July 18th the Danzig Government: promulgated new "......

The German Church Dispute The Past Week Has Once More

demonstrated the vitality and independence of the Evangelical Church in Germany. Herr Hitler may well envy his fellow-dictators the ease with which they have disposed of the......