24 MAY 1851, Page 21


Tuesday, May 20. Pwaranasutes Dissosvm.—Harrls and Co. Liverpool, wine-merchants—Brown- ing and Rigby, Salford, millwrights—Gelley and Charlton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Iron-forgers—Phipps and Co. New York, merchants; as far as regards II. S. P. Eyre—Phipps and Co. Rio de Janeiro, merchants ; as far as regards H. S. P. Eyre ---,Massey and Nicholson, Manchester, general agents — T. and W. Dixon, Batley, cloth-nianufacturers—llaulove and Watson, Somerset Place, Boston, willow-bonnet-manufacturers—Eves and Co. Cheltenham, surgeons ; as far as regards W. P. Brookes—Stone and Glossop, Staveley,joiners—Randles and Sug,den, Leeds, plasterers—Weaver and Protheroe, Llanbilleth, Monmouthshire, coal-pro- prietors—H. and J. Brice, Coleford, Somersetshire, millers—Williams and Barth, Chester, milliners—Donaldaonand Barwick, Little Bolton, timber-merchants—Bates and Co. Halifax, millwrights—White and Finley, Regent Street, St. James's, silk- inerceri-LMitchell and Ford, Exeter, attornics—Robson and Co. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, Oneness-rights—G. and W. Beckett, Northwich, mercers—Oldham and Co. Bull, millwrights; as far as regards J G. Amory—Nicholls and Treobath, Man- chester, cotton-waste-dealers — Parkinson and Summers, High Street, Peckham, stationers—A=01Mo arid Co. St. Mary-at-Hill, general merchants—Oliver and Co. Aldermanbury, Manchester warehousemen—Curtis jun. and Wright, Old Fish Street, chemists —Boleno and Coney, Liverpool, eating-house-keepers —Sharwood and Wray, Bishopsgate Street Without, chemists —Loughlread and Liddell, Huddersfield, woollen-cloth-merchentsBaine and Johnston, Greenock, and Baine, Johnston, and Co. St. John's, Newfoundland, merchants; as far as regards W. Baine—Clarke and Co. Glasgow, and Clarke, Sparks, and Co. Demerara, merchants—The Western Bank of Scotland{ as far as regards J. Freeland—Painter and Hancock, Liverpool, corn- merchants—Cash and Ledgard, Wood Street, warehousemen.

BANKRUPTS.—W4LLIA22 PAGE, Great Yarmouth, grocer, to surrender May 30, June 30: solicitors, Storey. Featherstone Buildings; Fillett and Co. Norwich ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street—Jona CASSAIGNE, Salisbury Street, Strand, wine-merchant, May 30, June 30: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street—Josaen FREDERICK FREAKE, Ilampstead Street, Fitzroy' Square, victualler, May 30, July 4 : solicitor, Rawlings, John Street, Bedford Row, and Romford; official assignee. Carman. Birchin Laue — DAVID GIDEON, Minories, clothier, May 28, July 1: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street ; Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street—Joserw Essattsorr Dooms, Oxford Street, ironmonger, May 31, June 12: solicitor, Cooper, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Nicholson, Easingliall Street—Tangs ECGANE 51•Cauc, Parliament Street, lithographic-printer, June 3, July 1: solicitor, l'hilipe, Gray's Inn; official assignee, Edwards, Sanibrook Court—Cm11mm BOND, Bath, tanner, May 27, June 24: solicitor, Bevan, Bristol; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol— ROBERT and FREDERICK ROBERT HAZARD, Bristol, victuallers, June 4, July 2 : soli- citor, Bevan, Bristol; official assignee, Miller, Bristol—Rienann BRISCOE, Liver- 'pool, draper, June 3, 23: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool—Hrcu JONES, Gaerwen, Anglesea, ironmonger, June 3, 23 : so- licitors, Fletcher and Bull, Liverpool; Jones, Bangor ; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool—JAMES M'Netagn, Manchester, chemist, June 2, July 1: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Pott, 51anchester—Tnomas STORER DOWN- sox, Tynemouth, banker, May 26, June 16: solicitors, Griffith and Crichton, New- castle-upon-Tyne; Wheldon, North Shields ; official assignee, Wakley, Newcastle- upon-Tyne. DIVIDENDS.—June 10, Reid, Pimlico, corn-dealer—June 13, King, North Audley Street, coach-builder.

CERTIFICATES.—To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of weeting.—June 11, Goldsmid, King Street, Holborn, importer of watches—June 11, Keele and 13isdee Riches Court, Lime Street, merchants—June 13, hledworth, Wisbech Saint Peter, grocer—Juuc 10, Wright and Co. Devonshire Street, Blooms- bury, goldsmiths—June 10, Smellie, High Street, Shadwell, silversmith—June 13, B7jun. Sneinton, Nottingliamshire, cotton-waste-dealer—June 13, Orange, Not- -tin am, lace-manufacturer—June 10, Gorst, Rock Ferry, Cheshire, apothecary.

ECLARATIONS OF Drvinnans.—Davies, Kington, Herefordshire, mercer ; first div. of 2*. 3d. any Thursday ; Christie. Birmingham—Holley, Norton St. Philip, 'tomer .etshire, miller; first div. of 5s. 6d. any Wednesday; Miller, Bristol—Berridge and Co. Portsmouth, bankers; fourth dir. of lad. May 22, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld; Basinghall Street—Black, Wellington Street North, Covent Garden, bookseller; first div. of 6s. May 22, and three subsequent Thursday s ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street—Cooper, Bishopsg,ate Street Without, grocer; first dir. of 3s. 6d. May 22; and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street— Thompson senior, Ognaburgh Place, New Road, carpenter ; second dm of 2d. May 22, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street. SCOTCH SEQUF.STRATIONS.—Currie, Glasgow, merchant, May 26, June 16—Mac- kay, Glasgow, bootroaker, May 27, June 20—Hume, Glasgow, grocer, May 23, June 25.

Friday, May 23. PARTNERSHIPS 1:lissom's:D.—Wallace and Co. Manchester, cotton-spinners—S. and J. Mirfield, Birstal, Yorkshire, top-makers—Barnes and Benson, Ilaslingden, Lanca- shire, drugget-dyers—CroMpton and Co. Crompton, Lancashire, cotton-spinners; as far as regards Abel Crompton—Taylors and Chamberlain, Bristol, West India coopers; as far as regards S. E. Taylor—Jones and Philipps, Carmarthen, iron-found- ers—C. R. and H. Freeman, Norwich, grocers—Ticehurst and Stonham, Manches- ter, drapers—Roper and Cocker, Wakefield, woolstaplers—Whyatt and Clarke, Man- chester, brewers—Shaw and Draper, Manchester, fustian-manufacturers—Shaw and Poulson, Knottingley, Yorkshire. earthenware-manufacturers—Haigh and Co. Carey Lane, sbirt-makers—Liversidge and Cooper, Hall Bower, Huddersfield, fancy-manu- facturers—Stevenson and Baxter, Brinsworth, Yorkshire, millers' as far as regards ILand R. N. Baxter—Laidlaw and Erskine,Truro, drapers—Day and Metcalfe, manu- facturers of the indristrial tutting machine—Maze and Co. Bristol; as far as regards P. F. Aikin—Bain and Co. Greenock, merchants; as far as regards W. Baine.

BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.-THOMAS SAGO, Aston, Warwickshire, publican. BANKR17178.—JAMES Hems, Mill Pond Bridge, Rotherhithe, cooper, to surrender June 3, July 1 : solicitors; Bon-adaile and Dimsdale, King's Arms Yea d ; official as- signee, Edwards, Sambrook Court —Joins Bavisr, Wisbeach, draper, May 31, July 12: solicitors, Sole and Turner, Aldermanbury; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—BLIADRACU EDWARD ROBERT JONES, Wrockwardiue, Shropshire, apothe- cary, June 3, 25: solicitors, Motteram and Co. Birmingham; official assignee,

Birtrdagliarn—Gstmos MACHIN, Dudley, spade-manufacturer, June 5, July 3: solicitors, Dingham and Hemmant, Walsall; official assignee, Christie, Birming- ham.Toirts Witnisrsors; Nottingham; brace-manufacturer, June 13, July II: -solici- tors, Chilton and Son, Nottingham; official assignee, Bitdeston, Nottingham— Reiman W.u.w.am B.HILLT, Bath, livery-stablekeeper, June 6, July 7: solicitor, Hel- lings,, Bath ; official assignee, Aeraman. Bristol—WILLIAM GEORGE IIENRY TAUN- TON, Liverpool, civil-engineer, June 5, 26: solicitors, Holt and Rowe, Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool. DIVIDENDS.—June 14, Adams and Balaton, Bow, engineers—June 14, Maddison, 3w4trharn, grneer=June14, Arnim, Canterbury, fellinonger—June 20, Medworth, Wisbech St. Peter, groestri-dune 13,. Clayton, Pottesgrore, Bedfordshire, milkman- -June 17, Galloway, St. John's Street,' brushsmanufacturer—June 17, Dodd, Sheer- ness, builrierJuirc 19, Sault, Long Buekby, Northiunptonshire,Metualler—Jiane 19, Jevons, Lincoln, shoemaker—June 10, Lucke, Leonard-Street, Shoreditch, tim- ber-merchant—June,19, Cansdale, Norwich, draper—June 19, Tapley, Sidmouth, linen-driMer=lune -13,"Dean, Scacombe, Cheshire, chemist—June 19, Johnson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, banker. CERTIFICATF.S.—To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting.—June 20, Burrell, Blackmore, Essex, victualler—June 13, Couch, John Street, Fitzroy Square, pianoforte-maker—June 16, Glasspool, Regent Street, boot- maker—June 17, Tanta and Jackson, Great Russell Street, Tottenham Court Road, linen-drapers—June 17, Davies, Tredegar, Monmouthshire, draper—June 18, Rey- nobls, Aberdare, Glamorganshire, innkeeper—June 13, Williams, Carnarvon, wool- len-draper—June 18, Hil3, Holcombe Bogus, Devonshire, linen-draper. DECLARATIONS OF DiviDENDS.—Burnell, Moorgate Street, china-dealer; first div. of Is. 9d. May 24, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court— Jones, Elizabeth Street, Hans Place, victualler; first div. of 4s. ld. May 24, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Keen and Langford, John Street, PentonvIlle, brewers ; first div. of ls. 5d. on new proofs, May 24, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Tuck, New Cavendish Street, milliner ; second div. of 5d. May 24, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Clegg, Royton, Lancashire, cotton-spinner; first div. of Is. 9d. May 27, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pott,' Manchester—Sharp, Duke Street, Too- ley Street, tailor; second div. of Bled. May 24, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Ed- wards, Sambrook Court.

Storm SEQUESTRATION.—Wanless, Edinburgh, grocer, May 26, June 19.