24 NOVEMBER 1928, Page 2

Recently there were food riots at Kharkoff. Want and anxiety,,

however, are by no means_ ,confined to the Ukraine. There is much nervousness in Moscow and Leningrad, and the Times correspondent says that the Soviet organizations daily admonish citizens to .keep quiet on the understanding that they will be duly led. This news of approaching. famine is, to our thinking, much. the most serious that has come from Russia for many months. Reports that political opposition . to the present Soviet rulers is increasing are. generally mare's nests. There seems to be no alternative to the existing regime. But no one, however strongly fortified by the pure faith of Bolshevism, can resist economic facts. And if famine becomes widespread in Russia something remarkable will happen.. The Soviet will change its ways, perhaps with . surprising suddenness. Lenin would have already thought out his method.