24 NOVEMBER 1928, page 2

* * Those Who Wilfully Forget That The Original Object

of the Bill was to reduce unemployment have arrived at strange conclusions. The Morning Post asks where Lord Rothermere really stands in politics and wonders whether there is......

Recently There Were Food Riots At Kharkoff. Want And...

however, are by no means_ ,confined to the Ukraine. There is much nervousness in Moscow and Leningrad, and the Times correspondent says that the Soviet organizations daily......

The Riga Correspondent Of The Times Says That The Government

of Kharkoff has voted £2,400,000 for famine relief in the Ukraine. It is estimated that more than 700,000 peasant homes are affected and that the relief will be . required for......

* * *

In the New Zealand General EleetiOn. he Government Of Mr. Coates; the leader of the Reform Party, has been badly beaten. The Labour-Party won a few seats and is now about twenty......

In The General Election In Australia Mr. Bruee's...

has lost several seats, as was expected, but has not lost too many. The Nationalist Party and the Labour Party now have roughly thirty seats each. The Country Party, however,......

In Rumania Dr. Maniu, The Leader Of The National Peasant

Party, has formed a Government amidst almost universal good will. It is a remarkable fact that the. Peasant Party, which seemed at one time to be in danger of choosing......

On Thursday, November 15th, Sir Laming Worthington- Evans...

House of Commons announced the new rules for Safeguarding. The words " abnormal and exceptional " used in the present rules to describe the conditions of foreign competition......

" The Niotte 3 F Thus Fouild " Adds The Daily Mail,

" is to be given to the .millionaire industries which do not need it and have not asli41 for it." The money is to go to industri es which are waterlogged and almost unmanageable......