24 NOVEMBER 1928, Page 48

Financial Notes


STRENGTH in the gilt-edged market and irregularity in other departments have constituted the main features of the Stock Markets during the past week. The explanation of the strength of gilt-edged stocks, and more especially of British Funds, is three-fold. In the first place, there is the usual disposition to anticipate the possible reinvestment of a portion of the War Loan dividends for 250,600,000 to be distributed on the 1st proximo ; the , second place, notwithstanding the gold exports, a sliffedly- better feeling has prevailed with regard to the monetary Situation ; and, in the third place, the market, rightly or wrongly, is -disposed to anticipate the appearance em long of the Government's proposals for dealing with the debt maturing early next year, which in one form or another amounts to over £200,000,000, though allowance, no doubt, must be made for the probability of some of the maturing obligations having been bought up, in advance by- the Treasury.