24 OCTOBER 1914, Page 1

If the Germans had won and had entered Warsaw, they

would not have conquered Russia, or, indeed, made it in the least likely that they would ever do so. Nevertheless a tremor would have run round the world because of the irresistible Germans. "They are in Antwerp, the commercial capital of Belgium, one day, and in the capital of Poland the next," and so on and so on. As it is, the Powers which are trembling on the brink, and which would dearly like to free themselves of the German nightmare and help to put an end to a war which is becoming almost as expensive for neutrals as for combat- ants, wilf now, instead of shivering in their shoes, begin to think whether the time may not be approaching for them to be up and doing. And the effect of the German defeat will be considerable not only in Italy and Roumania, and cause large misgivings in Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland; it will also encourage the resistance of the anti- German party in Turkey. Turkey is just tottering on the edge, and the Germans have been hourly expecting that their friend Enver Pasha would bring the Sultan in as their ally. They may now find that the Sublime Porte will think it wise to wait and see a little longer.