24 SEPTEMBER 1937, Page 2

Berlin's " Black-out " This week's full-dress rehearsal of anti-raid

precautions' at Berlin, though shortened by General Goering,in deference to complaints from traders about interference with trade, has nevertheless been the most thorough thing of its kind carried through in a great capital city. It went far beyond a simple " black-out " ; for there was a complete move of all the movable population into gasproofshelters. Rehearsals with a similar object, however, are becoming a regular feature in Continental cities, and we believe that the only capital of a major country which has not undergone any is London. Considering the notorious vulnerability of Great Britain to air attack, the supineness of Government and public alike in this matter is amazing. A full programme of precautions, elaborated by the Home Office, became available at the beginning of the present year, and was dirulated- to the lacid authorities. But in March the question_came up whether the Treasury or the local authorities should pay for it, and if both then in what proportions. Ever since there has been in progress a typically English financial wrangle, which is still unsettled, and has hung up the entire country's safety for over six months. Meantime the Home Office, at least, has done something. It has now some 9 million gas-masks ready for use by the civilian population, though 3o millions are required, and the present production-rate (25o,000 a week) needs accelerating.