24 SEPTEMBER 1937, page 6

Some Of Us, Can Remember The Bitterness Caused During The

19oo election, held in the middle of the Boer War, by Mr. Joseph Chamberlain's telegram to a Conservative can- didate, running " a vote given to the Liberals is a vote sold to......

A Reader Of This Column Who On The Suggestion Made

here a fortnight ago went to see The First Legion makes an interest- ing, though I think only partially just, comment. The crux of the play is whether the apparently miraculous......

A Spectator's Notebook

T HE impending publication of a version of the Bible printed as an ordinary book, with no verse or chapter divisions and the length of paragraphs determined, as in any......

A Polyglot Acquaintance Of Mine, Finding A Young Indian In

circumstances of some misfortune in London this week, accosted him in Hindustani. The answer came politely but firmly in English : " Sir, I have taken a vow not to speak my......

While On Plays, A Word Regarding Mr. Priestley's Time And

the Conways. It is certain to run for months, so many readers of this column will see it. And many will be left wondering whether it owes its extraordinary effect (apart from......

Some Of The New Prince Consort Letters Which The Deutsche

Allgemeine Zeitung is publishing have a marked political interest. It is ironic enough in the light of later events to find in 1852, when the reaction against 1848 was in full......

Torture Before Trial

"N o one who, examines the evidence can doubt that, actually, the use of torture is more widespread today than it was half a century ago ; the evil is not extinct, but is......