24 SEPTEMBER 1937, Page 46


The weakness of the American Market and, indeed, of some other sections, has been intensified by depression of some of the Continental Bourses, an outstanding feature being the weakness of the Amsterdam Bourse which, according to local opinion, has been chiefly affected by international politics, the fall in the franc and the weakness of the American Market. Throughout the recent days of depression in the more speculative sections of the House, however, British Government stocks have displayed conspicuous firmness, the strength of that market being aided by the pause which has taken place in the flotation of new capital issues of the trustee type.

(Continued Off page 532.)


(Continued from page 530.)

It is probable, too; that as so often happens during periods of ciety, there lias been a disPosition in many directions to fly to " safety first " stocks. A further influence has been the further heavy fall in the Franc. -