24 SEPTEMBER 1937, Page 46


A WEEK OF DEPRESSIONS.'- IT must be some time :since the Stock Markets have exPeri enced such a- trying week as the one which conarriencedlatt Monday. The previOus Accoimt had given cause for anxiety, largely by reason of the . slump in American- securities, while it was followed by one small failure on the Stock Exchange. Last Monday,--however' which marked the opening- of -the New Account, witnessed an even more severe fall in American securities and the slump in that market adversely affected other sections, and notably Home -Industrial Shaies -and- the shares of Mining companies. Moreover, commodity prices were alio affected, especially the shares of some of the metal companies. I refer more fully elsewhere to the special circum- stances surrounding the collapse in American securities, so in this place it may be sufficient to note that at the moment of writing American shares site showing a recovery, though whether it will be maintained when the market settles down

into a more normal state remains to be seen.