24 SEPTEMBER 1937, Page 48


The annual report and still more the annual meeting of Harrisons and Crosfield are always awaited with interest by all concerned in the rubber and tea industry, as the Chairman of the company, Mr. H. Eric Miller, is accounted a foremost expert on these industries. The latest annual report of the company shows an increase in the net profit of £57,372 at £329,014 ; the rise in earnings, however, is greater than is suggested by these figures, ar -before striking the year's profit the directors have allocated £25,600- to inaugurating a contributory staff pension scheme. The final dividend on the deferred ordinary shares is raised to zo per cent., making a total distribution of 25 per cent., against zo per cent., while, after provision for the management and share dividend, the carry-forward is £155,971, against £145,015. Deferred shareholders have the option of taking up additional deferred shares at par to the extent of half their additional dividends in excess of ter per cent. -and, on the past year's dividend, this will call for an allotment of 31,080 new deferred shares. There will then remain 24,525 deferred shares not issued,, but the directors state that, having given it careful consideration, they do not recommend any increase in the deferred capital beyond the £soo,000 already authorised.

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