24 SEPTEMBER 1954, Page 13


SIR,—Many of your readers wilt, we feel sure, sympathise with the peoples of Austria and Southern Germany in the distress they have suffered through the recent disastrous floods. The Anglo-Austrian Society and the Anglo- German Association are together appealing for funds in aid of the victims who in many cases have lost their homes and all their possessions. Contributions will be gratefully received from all those who wish to show their good will.

Donations should be sent either to the Secretary, the Anglo-German Association, 32 Parliament Street, London, S.W.1, or to the Secretary, Anglo-Austrian Society, 139 Ken- sington High Street, London, W.8, and should be clearly marked ' Flood Relief Fund ' (Austrian or German as the donor wishes).— Yours faithfully, HAREWOOD, CLEMENT DAVIES, MI-BORNE, PAKENHAM, JOHN HYND, F. J. HELLEN:3ER, 0. T. HARPNER, GODFREY NICHOLSON Anglo-Austrian Society, 139 Kensington High Street, W.8