24 SEPTEMBER 1954, page 13

Danube Flood Relief Fund

SIR, — Many of your readers wilt, we feel sure, sympathise with the peoples of Austria and Southern Germany in the distress they have suffered through the recent disastrous......

My Goodness, My Guineas I Sir, — Authors Of Sir Compton...

status may tremble for their quiddative shilling but I rather think that the pay-off where the rank and file are concerned is likely to be much the same as that concluded below,......

Baron Corvo

SIR, — I have for some years been compiling a detailed bibliography of the writings of Frederick William Rolfe. Fr. Rolfe, or Baron Corvo, or Nicholas Crabbe, or Frederick......

No Chinese Cancer

SIR, — ] feel sure that all your readers, as well as those of your other journal New Statesman, will be delighted to hear of the sudden cessa- tion of lung cancer in the Peace......

The Sharp-hand Artist

SIR.—Many who have spent a lifetime in India will recognise the Sharp-hand Artist's application for a post as given in Tam bimuttu's article in your issue of Septem- ber 3. More......


SIR, — In its issues dated August 13 and 27 the Spectator highlights the recent role of Greek ecclesiastics in Enosis agitation. Sen- sational and unseemly as this has been it......

John O'london's

SIR, — Let the passing of John O'London's Weekly achieve a degree of immortality, serving as a reminder that a certain culture must be fostered if the nation is to remain great.......

Scottish Royal Commission

SIR, — Arising out of the correspondence on the Scottish Royal Commission Report, Mr. D. Bond asks, ' Why if Scottish Nationalism is so powerful and popular a force as we are......