25 APRIL 1903, Page 12


The Psalms and Canticles in English Verse. By the Right Rev. Bishop Bagshawe. (Sands and Co. 4s. net.)—This "English verse" is very like our old acquaintance, " Sternholcl and Hop- kins," unknown, doubtless, to nine-tenths of present-day church- goers, or the Scottish Paraphrase, which still, we suppose, holds its own in some congregations of the stricter sort. Here is a specimen of it (Psalm xviii.-xix. in Anglican Bibles and Prayer- books) :—

" The Heavens do God's glory tell, And of it witness bear : So doth the mighty firmament His handiwork declare.

Each day, unto succeeding day,

Doth utter forth his word; And night to night doth illustrate

The wisdom of the Lord."

We do not gather from the preface what-is- the precise object of this version. That it can edify the private reader is scarcely conceivable.