25 APRIL 1903, page 19

In Thursday's Times The Bishop Of Rochester Makes A Very

wise suggestion in regard to the London Education Bill. He suggests that the management of schools is likely to be more efficiently carried out by managers appointed by the......

It Is Evident That The Parisians Are Flattered By The

proposed visit of King Edward to their city, and that he will have a cordial as well as an honourable reception. Even M. Derou- lede, often the violent expounder of Nationalist......

We Note With Deep Regret The Death At Pretoria Of

Mrs. Sarah Heckford. It is impossible within the limits of a short note to summarise the achievements of this remarkable woman, who began her career of practical philanthropy as......

On Thursday, Being St. George's Day And Shakespeare's...

Elizabethan Stage Society gave a most charming performance of Twelfth Night at the Lecture Hall in Bur- lington Gardens. The play was given exactly as when first acted,—that is,......

' The French And Spaniards Are Rather Disturbed By The

news from Morocco. It is evident that the insurgents are winning in all directions, and it is reported from Fez that as a last remedy the Sultan has been dethroned and his......

Mr. Morley Had A Great Reception At Newcastle On Saturday

last, and made two speeches. The first was devoted to Ireland. Mr. Morley thinks the Irish would be mad to reject Mr. Wyndham's Bill, but says that it involves a reconstruction......

A Revival Of The Dreyfus Case Is Threatened In Paris.

Captain Dreyfus has demanded from the Minister of War a fresh inquiry to settle once for all whether the forged bordereau was shown to the officers who condemned him, and who......

We Notice With Satisfaction That The Manchester Guardian...

its powerful aid to the elucidation of what it is no exaggeration to say is the most pressing and most serious of our social problems,—the problem of how to stop the physical......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

Consols (24 per cent.) were on Friday 994.......