25 APRIL 1903, Page 32



Sin,—The following point is not without importance to writers, and might even suggest remorse to reviewers. I am informed by an expert adviser on publishing matters that a writer cannot hope to obtain an injunction restrain- ing his publishers publishing a new book, notwithstand- ing that it bristles with misprints and typographical errors,—all corrected in proof, and the corrections ignored at press. Having oftentimes suffered for the sins of com- positors and proof-readers committed behind my back, it occurred to me to try to guard myself by the above drastic scheme of defence against vicarious flogging. But I am advised that defence must take the form of offence, and a suit for damages. Perhaps some of your readers may have more encouraging information to afford than the incorpo- rated machine which declares through its oracle that it grinds recreant publishers exceeding small, and certainly does not do so at motor speed.—In which hope, and its fulfilment (by your leave), I am, Sir, &c., HERBERT COMPTON.