25 APRIL 1903, Page 33


[TO TER EDITOR OF THB"SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I believe that if a corps of county Guides were formed, a proportion of them would have had sufficient military ex- perience to answer intelligently the questions suggested by " A Kentish Man" (Spectator, April 18th) as to the strategio advantages and disadvantages of the various positions in their own neighbourhood. Of course the right men must be selected, but I am speaking of a small village in Surrey when I mention that within a quarter of a mile of my house there are five men who have served their time in the Army, four of them having passed out of the Reserve. Of these five, three are intelligent men, working in skilled occupations, and they have a good knowledge of the surrounding country. All of these three have received medals for active service, together with the badges of the battles in which they have fought. —I am,