25 APRIL 1903, Page 40

Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts in the British Museum,

1894-1899. (The British Museum.)—The total of these six years' gain is,—manuscripts, 1,807 ; charters, 4,897; detached seals, 4,593; papyri, 280. Many things were given; more were bought. Among the latter stand pre-eminent the Hardwick° Historical and Legal Collections, now amassed in nine hundred and thirty volumes. These may be roughly divided into two classes : (1) legal and historical documents connected with members of the Hardwicke family, political associates, and others, ranging from 1727 to 1851; and (2) antiquarian co:lections made by Hardwickes. Among the papyri are (1) a large fragment (a hundred and twelve lines) of the "Antiope" of Euripides, of

the third century RC.; (2) part of the "Phaedo " (the whole or part of eight sections, the text differing much from the Vulgate, of . the same date). Most are concerned with business matters, 510- 518 referring to a dispute with quarrymen. The volume is completed and made useful for reference by a copious index.