25 AUGUST 1877, Page 21

.History of Painters of all Schools. By Louis Viardot and

other Writers. (Sampson Low and Co.)—This handsome volume contains a brief history of painting and painters, from the early Greek school to the year 1840, and will form a valuable work of reference to those who want a brief and yet comprehensive account of artists and their work. A considerable portion of the critical part of the work bait been taken from Les 111erveilles de la Peinture of M. Louis Viardot, and the bio- graphical details and other information from such reliable sources as Vasari, Mr. Wornum, Lady Eastlako, Messrs. Crowe and Cavaleasello. The various schools of painting are treated of in their chronological order, and any particular painter may easily be found from the care- fully constructed index. The Divinities of Art," of course, receive a large share of attention, and the articles on Michael Angelo, Titian, Paul Veronese, Raphael, and Cerreggio are concise and well arranged, and there are few readers but will derive benefit from the masterly 'criticism of their works. The illustrations are of very unequal merit, some of the large plates in particular having a very washed-out appearance.