25 AUGUST 1877, page 1

The Government Of India Appears To Be Stretching Every Nerve

to save the people, but the destruction will be awful. The Times, which animadverts on the conduct of Government in not buying grain, misses the true point, which is not......

The German Government Is Behaving Very Well. Being Care-...

informed by its military attachds, it is aware that the Otto- man accounts of Russian atrocities are for the most part inven- tions, intended to cancel the effect of the......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


M. Brunet, The French Minister Of Public Instruction, Made A

speech at Tulle on the 19th inst., which seems to have been revised by the Cabinet, for it was not published till the 22nd. Ile reaffirmed emphatically that the Marshal would......

Subscriptions For The Indian Famine Are Pouring In To The

Man- sion House, but the aid required is a grant from the National Treasury. There is no time to wait when a letter like this can be written, by Mr. W. E. James, of the Mysore......

News Of The Week.

T HE Turks are moving at last, but up to Friday evening nothing decisive had been reported. Suleiman Pasha, with forty bat- talions, attacked the Shipka Pass from the south, on......

The Russian Government Has Evidently Relaxed Its Control...

journals in regard to the war, and desires to let the truth be fully known. The Daily News' correspondent telegraphs that the Chief of the Staff has sent his very frank account......