25 JANUARY 1952, Page 16

The Creed of the Church

Sat,-1 am delighted that Janus should point out that the first and only Creed of the early Christian Church was " Jesus is the Lord." Have not we of the Church of England made an approach to Christianity unnecessarily dfficult ? For supposing an earnest enquirer lights upon our Book of Common Prayer, and decides to read it through in order to discover what Christianity is all about. The sycophantic prefaces he might pass over with a wry sm:le. Later on he would arrive at the crud'ties of the Marriage Service, the curses of the Commination Service, and the blasphemies of the Burial Service. Should he press on undeterred, he would be hard put to it to dis- entangle the faith of the Church from the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, the convolutions of the Athanasian Creed, and the 39 Articles of Religion. I fear that at the close of his quest he would find him‘lf fogged and bagged.

Sir, I cherish the hope that the earnest enquirer will learn on high ecclesiastical authority that Janus is right, and that the basic Creed of the Christian Church is "Jesus- is the Lord." That Creed will carry the enquirer-far—and very far.—Yours faithfully, Dorking. A. C. Kamm..

Rector of Wotton, Surrey.