25 JANUARY 1952, page 16

Hot And Strong

SIR,—Is it not probable that Coleridge's lines, quoted in your issue of January 18th, are a somewhat free translation of Talleyrand's supposed Recette pour le cafe ? - Noir......

Oxford In Pictures

Snt,—In a kind notice of my book, Oxford: University and City, your reviewer says there is no picture of Keble. Actually there are pictures of every college in the university......

Rent Tribunals

SIR,—In his commendably short letter " A Landlord " has contrived to introduce quite a number of factual errors, evidently due to an acquain- tance with the Rents Acts which is,......

The Creed Of The Church

Sat,-1 am delighted that Janus should point out that the first and only Creed of the early Christian Church was " Jesus is the Lord." Have not we of the Church of England made......


SIR, —It was interesting to read Janus's comment on a sixth-form school- , boy's life. It is impossible to draw any sound conclusions from an • account of one day spent by one......

Spinsters .

S1R,-1, offered Dr. Mahoney-Jones three figures; a reliable figure twenty years old, showing a large excess of marriageable women; an unreliable figure two years old, showing a......

By Candlelight

Stn,—Rather than animadvert upon the Southall candle case, Janus might well have asked for more light to be thrown upon this curious affair. For example, it appears to have been......