25 JUNE 1927, Page 17


of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—The summer weather is causing most of us to think of holidays spent in the open air by the sea or on the moor. No one is looking forward more eagerly to leaving the crowded streets and heat of London than the members of the Boys' Brigade who for fifty-one weeks of the year live and work in this great city and who during the remaining week hope to experience all the joys of open-air life in a B.B. camp. The Boys' Brigade is the pioneer organization for boys, and has a record of forty-four years' uninterrupted work for the well-being of the boyhood of the nation. During the Present year the Boys' Lite Brigade has become united with the senior organization and the total strength is now 100,000 boys. It is estimated that 30,000 boys will attend camp during the year, and this number will be largely increased if funds are forthcoming to augment the-boys' payments. During the winter months the boys receive training in drill and discipline, physical training, ambulance work and religious instruction. The whole scheme is the development of boys—in mind and body—to make them good Christians and good citizens. The climax of the year's work is reached when the boys have the benefit of a holiday amid the healthy surroundings. of a well-managed camp. The Boys' Brigade has never made any large appeal for funds ; it is largely self-supporting and the boys, as part of their training, are taught to pay a fair proportion of the cost of all the brigade has to offer. The summer camp, which costs roughly 30s. per boy, is, however, a heavy item, and we appeal to your readers to help the boys of London to experience

for one week in the year all that this holiday in the open air under the best possible conditions means. Each member of the public who contributes £1 will have the satisfaction of enabling at least two boys to attend camp.

This appeal has the cordial approval of 11.R.H. Prince Arthur of Connaught, Honorary President, the Boys' Brigade, who hopes that it will meet with an immediate and generous response.

Contributions will be gratefully received by the Honorr.ry

London Treasurer or the London Secretary, the Boys' Brigade,

Abbey House, Victoria Street, S.W. 1, and cheques should be

crossed " National Provincial Bank, Ltd."—We are, Sir,'&c., W. JOYNSON- H [ors , Honorary President London Council ; JAMES DEVONSHIRE, President London Council ; A. F. BUXTON, Honorary Treasurer London Council ; N. A. LEwis, London Secretary.

Abbey House, Victoria Street, S.W. 1.