25 JUNE 1927, page 2

We Sincerely Hope That Supporters Of The Referendum Will...

upon the Government the importance of making this perfect consummation of democracy part of their scheme. If the ultimate verdict in disputes of great national importance is......

It Is Satisfactory That The Speaker Is To Be Relieved

of the sole duty of deciding what is a Money Bill. Mr. Asquith never pretended that that makeshift arrangement ought to be perpetuated. It is not fair to anyone, least of all to......

Elsewhere We Have Described And Discussed The Naval...

have been joined at Geneva in the Conference between Great Britain, the United States and Japan. Here we need only refer to the admirable statements, remarkable for their......

It Is Reported From China That Feng Yu Hsiann, The

Christian General, has met Chiang Kai-shek, the roll' Communist National leader. If this be true it seems that Feng is really breaking away- from the Hankow Coo munists. At the......

We Cannot Help Joining In The Liberal And Labour Objection

to the proposal that the Parliament Act shall not apply to any change in the status or composition of the Upper House. The plan looks like a definite attempt to reserve a......

What Spoiled The Effect Of This Concession Was The Emotional

bitterness of General Hertzog's speech to the Assembly. He reiterated his intention to refuse alio. lutely to let the Union Jack occupy a quarter of the flag and to force the......

'again, The British Admiralty Thought-that Battleshil...

size by at least 5,000 tons and cruise could be similarly reduced. If the Americanproposal a total tonnage in each class on the 5-5-8 ratio An through, the result apparently......

On Tuesday, In The South African House Of Assembly The

clause in the Flag Bill presenting a new design was carried by a majority of twenty. The new design is horizontal stripes of orange, white and blue—the flag of the House of......