26 DECEMBER 1941, Page 17



1. The engineer doesn't use this as a swim-suit (ii).

9. It is always contained in a sabre- tache (4).

so. The humorous nigger-minstrel should, of course, have elbow-room (so).

x. Anything but a Dickensian aperitif (7).

12. " . . . and even -, the patriotic Archbishop of Canterbury, found it advisable . " (Lewis Carroll) (7). 14. People take it lying down (9). 16. Stops the growth? (5).

19. Poet's contribution to wireless (5).

20. Folk who go ashore together? (9). 22. He is not necessarily ostentatious (7). 24. What they do in the Levant? (7)- 27. Not an ecclesiastical vestment though displaying many (to).

z8. " And ever against eating cares Lap me in soft Lydian - " (Milton)


29. '1 nis is not necessarily studied at Epsom and Aintree (t1).


2. " The - swims around him, he is gone Ere ceased the inhuman shout which hailed the wretch who won " (Byron) (5).

3. It makes a flea dine (8).

4. " -Lamb, that we danced with at Vichy! What, is not she -? Then who is she? " (Browning) (4).

5. Bashful on a broken toe (6).

6. Golden tea at a stretch (9).

7. Rehoboam's implement of chastise- ment (8). 8. " Nine - rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee " (Yeats) (4).

13. So won in a faint (5).

15. Its a gift! (9).

17. " He loves to talk with - That come from a far countree " (Cole- ridge) (8).

18. Mob a cadi in this region (8).

21. The bird doesn't disclose the whereabouts of the market (6).

23. One would expect heavenly music from this (4).

25. Motorists shouldn't dress in this (5).

26. It provides the music of the Ring, but not Wagner's (4).