26 FEBRUARY 1927, Page 1

It is fair to say now that the Capital Levy

has received a mortal blow. Probably we shall hear little more about it. Although the Colwyn Committee publishes a Minority 'as well as a Majority Report, the Labour representatives of the Minority admit that the Levy requires for its working due co-operation on the part of those who would pay it. Nobody could pretend that such conditions arc present now or are- likely to appear. When Mr. Bonar Law flirted for a time with the idea of the Levy people were in a different mood from that of to-day, and there was just a possibility that an attempt to introduce it would succeed. But the opportunity passed. The Majority condemn the Levy as open to " grave economic objections " quite apart from the doubtful response of the capitalists to which the Minority Report calk attention.
