26 FEBRUARY 1927, page 2

The Agreement Which Has Been Reached Between The Union Of

South Africa and India about the resident Indians in the Union is honourable to both countries, Neither side can claim a victory, and in that fact lies the promise of peace.......

The Minority Report, Which Is In Effect A Labour Report,

deprecates all taxes upon commodities, and lays it down that there should be no taxation for those who are unable to maintain a certain standard of living. It demands much......

There Is Both Good And Bad In The News From

China. The Foreign Office has scored a real success in getting.the signature of Mr. Chen to the Hankow agreement. That is an event by itself which cannot be undone wh3teVer may......

The Debate Provided A Charming Example Of Hoc...

when Dr. Shiels, one of the Labour members who took part, in the Empire Tour in Australia, spoke from experience of the extraordinar y amount - Of pleasure and excitement caused......

On The Whole, The Majority Look Upon The Spreading Of

taxation over the various classes since the War as satis- factory. They put their finger on the sugar duty as being too high. The discussion of the correct proportions of direct......

Turning To The Floating Debt The Majority Recommend That...

be steadily reduced. As for the conversion of Debt, they think that all future loans ought to be issued at a figure not 'appreciably below par, and they condemn the practice of......

In The House Of Commons On Thursday, February 17th Some

Labour members used unfortunate language criticizing the tour of the Duke and Duchess of York, but other Labour members were not at all backward in defending the expenditure. On......

Ought This Increase To Be Insisted Upon Quite Inde-...

of the state of trade ? The Majority think that it ought to be. They argue that the redemption of debt places money in the hands of investors who receive cash in place of......

A General Strike Has Been Declared In The Chinese Cite

of Shanghai, but since the beginning of the week it h as become progressively less effective. At one time there were 110,000 strikers, but by 'Wednesday thousand s of these had......