26 FEBRUARY 1927, Page 13


On behalf of the very best card-game ever invented or per- fected, some of us (at the Portland Club and many much humbler places) would like to make a hot protest against the presence of certain innovations in the spirit and practice of the pastime. It was publicly maintained the other day that partners should consult together before playing as to what they each meant by a number of complicated conventions, especially and specifically the doubling of a call of two. Certain conventions must exist. Even whist was not wholly exempt. It is now a generally established rule that if you double a call of one your partner must call two of his best suit, however bad that suit may be. Probably more people lose than win by this conventional double ; but that is because they arc too fond of it. It can be a very effective convention ; and is much more useful against a suit cal of one than a call of one in no trumps. This is acknowledged ; but the fewer conventions the better, and it should be against all etiquette for partners to exchange views before playing.

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