26 FEBRUARY 1927, Page 18

The New Competition

WE offer two prizes in our New Competition of £2 10s. cad', one for men and one for women. Our readers are asked to imagine that they can only select their future husband or wife by means of a brief advertisement in the " Wanted" column of the Spectator, of no more than sixty words : the choosing of their life partner depends therefore entirely on the. careful wording of the advertisement. It will be necessal not only to suggest the kind of husband or wife you wish. but also to indicate your own personality. The prizes will be given to the writers of those advertisements which, in the opinion of the Editor, would be most likely to achieve their purpose.


1. All entries must be received on or before Friday, March lab; 2. Competitors may send in as many entries as they WiSh. but each entry must be accompapied by one of the coupons to

be found on page 346 of this issue. - 3. The namo and address for the pseudonym) of every coo' petitor must be written clearly at the foot of his manuscript.

4. The Editor cannot return any manuscript submitted for thi competition, nor can he enter into correspondence with competitor/- . 5. The Editor reserves the right of printing any manusctiPI submitted. 6. Envelopes must be addreased : 'Competition, the Spectators 13 York Street, Covent Garden; London, W.C. 2s