26 FEBRUARY 1927, Page 24


(Nisbet. 10s. 6d.)-Miss Rose Squire has had thirty years' experience as a Factory Inspector and the story Of that thirty years, as Sir Edward Troup tells us in his preface, might have been called The Joyous Adventures of Rose Squire. She enjoyed her work and enjoyed telling of it, and no wonder, Since it is a record of constant progress towards her one aim -the improvement of industrial conditions. The realization of how bad those conditions were only a few years ago will come to many of her readers with a shock of surprise. The over-working of women in factories, the under-payment of home workers, cheated by payments made in kind, show little improvement upon the conditions which produced " The Song of the Shirt." The health of the poor little " half-time " school children was ruined by a foolish system which divided every hour of a long day between books and labour. Now most of the crying evils have been brought to light and have been corrected under the influence of public opinion. More has been done, Miss Squire would have us remember, by mutual agreement than by legislation.