26 FEBRUARY 1927, Page 24

A Library List

LITERARY AND POETRY :--Max Havelaar. By Malta Trans. by W. Siebenhaar. (Knopf. 10s. 6d.)--7 Works of Thomas Otway. Three vols. (Nonesuch P £2 2s.)-Victor Hugo. By W. F. Giese. (Mel 18s.)--Anatole France. By Professor Barry Ce (Melrose. 18s.)-Half - Hours with Represented! Novelists of the Nineteenth Century. By Mackenzie Bell (Three vols. Routledge. 21s.)-Cupid and Psyche Translated by William Aldington from the Golden •1 by Apuleius. (Fortune Press. 10s. 6d.)--Kisses The Basia of Johannes Seeundus. Translated by 7.

Stanley. (Fortune Press. 7s. 6d.) Alia Cantalena d Sancta Maria. By John Awdlay. (Seven Acres Pre- 125. 6d.) Cymberina. By L. H. (Seven Acres Pre, 7s. 6d.) MISCELLANEOUS :-A Garden in Wales. By A. T. Johnson, (Edward Arnold. 16s.)-Seamarks and Landmarla, By Surgeon-Captain 0. W. Andrews. (Berm. 18s.)-- Angling Theories and Methods. By Major R. A. Chrystal, (Herbert Jenkins. 10s. 6d.)-Physico-Chemical Geology By R. H. Rastall. (Edward Arnold. 15s.)-Socrai or the Emancipation of Mankind. By H. F. earhl (Kegan Paul. 2s. 6d.)--The Future of Christianity Edited by Sir James Marchant. (Murray. 7s. 6d.)- Prohibition in the United States. By D. Leigh Colvin (Ilodder and Stoughton. 16s.)-The Uses of Libraries Edited by E. A. Baker. (University of London. 10s. tkl --Better Writing. By H. S. Canby. (Cape. 3s. fid. Alumni Cantabrigienses. Compiled. by J. and 3..1 Venn. Part 1, Vol. IV. (Cambridge University PresJ £7 10s.) HISTORY AND ECONOMICS :-Bismarck, Andrassy and Successors. By Count Julius Andrassy.(T. Fish! Unwin. 25s.)-The Conquest of Brazil. By Roy Nash• (Cape. 25s.)-Quakers in Ireland 1654-1900. Bi Isabel Grubb. (Swarthmore Press. 3s. 6d.)--Th4 Anglo-Saxons in England. By Nils Aberg. (Heifer 12s. 6d.) The Documentary Sources of Greek history By M. Cary. (Blackwell. 6s.)A British Fusilier i Revolutionary Boston. Edited by Allen French. (Oslo University Press. 15s.)--Family Endowment. B Alexander Gray. (Benn. 4s. 6d.)-Industrial Fluff! tions. By A. C. Pigou. (Macmillan. 25s.) ART :-A Review of Recent Typography. By Stanley Mori9) (The Fleuron Press. 6s.) The Practical Decoration Furniture. By H. P. Shapland. Vol. II. (Been. 12s. no -The Woodcut : An Annual. Edited by Berle Furst. (The Fleuron. 12s. 6d.)-Fantin-Latour. Gustave Kahn. Translated by W. Jackson. (Bodle) Head. 5s.)-Constable. By Andre Fontainas. Tel hated by W. Jackson. (loctley Head. 5s.)-His Ornament. By Richard Glazier. 4th Edition. (Bata° 12s. 6d.)---Sketching from Nature. By F. J. 6 (Batsford. 10s. 6d.)-Maiters of the Colour Print I. Elyse Lord, (The Studio. 5s.) TRAVEL :--Things Seen in Canada. By J. E. Ray. (SeeleY Service. 8s. 6d.)-The Bristol Avon. By E Walls. (Arrowsmith. 10s. 6c1.) Vanished Cities. Northern Africa. By Mrs. Steuart Erskine and Ma Benton Fletcher. (Hutchinson. 24s.) NOVELS :-People and Houses. By Ruth SuckO*. (Car 7s. 6d.)---Store of Ladies. By Louis Golding. (Ka° 7s. 6d.) The Best Short Stories of 1926 (Americ.sa (Cape. 7s. 6d.)-The Case of Bevan Yorke. By W Maxwell. - (Benn.. 6d.)----:Love -Lies Dreaming. C. S. Forester. (Bodley Head. 7s. 6d.)