26 JANUARY 1918, Page 16


SIR,—We are asking the hospitality of your columns to enable us to report the progress of the Ramsay Memorial Fund, which was instituted just a year ago with the object of raising a suns of 4100,000 as a suitable memorial to the late Professor Sir William Ramsay. The Fund has now reached a sum of just over 430,000. The latest and most important donation to the Fund has been a sum of 45,000 contributed by Mrs. Wharrie. It may be remem- bered that Messrs. Brunner, Mond, and Co. have promised a similar sum of 45,000. The Honorary Treasurers have received a large number of other sums ranging from 41,000 to one guinea. From this it will be seen that the Ramsay Memorial Fund has now passed its experimental stage and is making good progress towards the sum which the Committee aim at raising. The Executive Committee are confident that with the assistance of the largo number of co-operating committees which have been formed in all parts of the British Empire and many foreign countries they will be successful in completing the Fund of 4100,000, but in order that this may be the case they must appeal to the generosity of the public for further donations, large and small. They hope that the generous example of Mrs. Wharrie and of Messrs. Brunner, Mond, and Co. will be followed by others, but they will also greatly welcome gifts of any amount ranging from one guinea upwards.

The Fund of 4100,000, when raised, will be devoted to two objects of great national importance—the establishment of Ramsay Memorial Fellowships for Research in Chemical Problems as applied to Industry, and the foundation of a Memorial Laboratory of Engineering Chemistry. Those who contribute to the Ramsay Memorial Fund are contributing in the most definite and direct way to the national prosperity after the war, in which the advance- ment of scienlis must play an increasingly important part. Dona- tions should We sent to the Joint Honorary Treasurers, Ramsay Memorial Fund, University College, London, Gower Street, W.C. —We are, Sir, &c., RAYLEIGH, Chairman of the General Committee. HUGH BELL, Chairman of the Executive Committee. GLENCONNER, J. N. COLLIE, Honorary Treasurers.