26 JANUARY 1918, page 11

Letters To The Editor.

[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are Often more read,, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] THE HEREFORD CONTROVERSY.......

[to Me Murcia Or The " Firsornoa. - ] Sts,—only On The

evening of the 18th inst. did I see in the Spec- tator of the 12th inst. the Bishop of Oxford's personal disclaimer. which obviously requires a full and candid rejoinder. As......


THE HARVEST OF THE OCEAN. ITo THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEATEATOR."1 Morning Post of December 29th, 1917, appeared the " FISHERMEN'S SEIZURE OF LAND. Twenty-seven men, mostly the......

[to Me Editor Ot The " Spectator."] Sia,—your...

Civis " questions the accuracy of my statement that the aim and purpose of the Church Self- Government Association is the recovery by the Church of liberties which she once......