26 JULY 1946, Page 15


Ste,—As a pendant to Janus's remarks about Vernon's Pools, I feel I should record the following:—I was released from the R.A.F. in the middle of June. Within less than a month I received a correctly addressed advertisement letter from Vernon's Pools. I have at no time had any connection with football pools ; I have been abroad almost continuously during the past four years ; my name appears in no directory ; I have addressed no correspcpdence to the Press and therefore had none pub- lished in it. The arrival of the advertisement so shortly after my release may be a coincidence. Even so, it is difficult to see how the address was obtained without access to official records, and I suggest that if others released from the Forces have had a similar experience there are good grounds for an enquiry into the means by which Vernon's Pools obtain access to the names and addresses of ex-Servicemen.—Yours faith-