26 JUNE 1920, Page 2

Lord Grey of Fallodon, speaking at Stratford on Thursday week,

declared that the League of:Nations had not been used as it might have been in the cases of Russia and Persia. He thought that the League should have tried last January to arrange a truce and a provisional 'frontier between Poland and the Bol- sheviks. Even if the attempt-had-failed,-we should have known where the responsibility lay for the continuance of the war. In regard to Persia, he said that the conclusion of the Anglo- Persian Agreement, just before the Council of the League was formed, had created a- false impression in. France, in America, and even in Persia, as-if we were -seeking-special advantages for ourselves. It would have been better to advise Persia to apply to the League for the assistance which she undoubtedly needed. At any rate, the agreement should have been submitted to the League. Lord Grey said that- the League could do nothing unless public opinion insisted upon its -being used. Peace could never be secure -so long as any country so great as America stood outside the League. But he believed that " in one way or another we should find the influence of the United States being used to prevent war."