26 JUNE 1920, page 2

Mr. Asquith, Who Spoke After - Mr. Balfour, Urged That It -

was the duty of the League to intervene in regard - to - the " recent aggressive-action " of Poland. He - argued - also that - the League alone had the right to give and define......

Mustapha Kemal's Turkish Forces On June 15th Attacked A...

outpost near 'staid, in _Northern Anatolia, fifty miles south-east of Constantinople. The officer commanding the com- pany of Punjabis agreed to retire if the Turks would not......

Mr. Lloyd George, M. Millerand And M. Venizelos Met Last

Sunday at Lympne. According to an official report, M. Millerand accepted Mr. Lloyd George's suggestion that Germany's tardiness in disarming was " profoundly unsatisfactory."......

Serious Rioting Between The Protestants And The Roman...

in Londonderry last Saturday night and con- tinued till Wednesday. Both sides were well armed with rifles and revolvers, and made 'the streets so dangerous that business was......

The Refusal Of The Shin Fein Railwaymen In Southern Ireland

to work on trains carrying troops or police or to handle muni- tions has at last Wen taken seriously. On Monday soma police- men entered a train at Cloughjordan, in Tipperary,......

Mr. Balfour, In The. House Of Commons On Thursday Week,

made an informing statement about the work done by theleague of Nations during the past four months. It had set up four advisory committees to deal with armaments, health,......

Colonel Ashley On Tuesday. Moved The .adjournment Of The...

as -a protest against the failure of the Government• to maintain law and order. in Ireland. In Londonderry, he said, the object of Sian Fein was to expel- the Unionist workmen......

The German. Cabinet Crisis Caused By The -uncertain...

the recent elections appeared to be ended - on Monday, when Herr Fehrenbach accepted office as Chancellor. - He is a Roman Catholic from South Germany, and a- prominent leader......

Lord Grey Of Fallodon, Speaking At Stratford On Thursday...

declared that the League of:Nations had not been used as it might have been in the cases of Russia and Persia. He thought that the League should have tried last January to......

The Three Allied Premiers On Monday Crossed To Boulogne,...

they met the Italian, Japanese and Belgian delegates. The conference approved of a note, drafted by Marshal Foch and Sir Henry Wilson, calling upon Germany to show good faith in......