26 OCTOBER 1912, Page 1

In the course of the actions around Adrianople the fighting

has been of a very determined character, and the losses, especially on the Turkish side, very great. Punishment in war always falls on those who are forced to retreat. At the same time the Bulgarians have also suffered heavily, for they have again and again carried positions at the point of the bayonet, thus proving how absurd was the contention, fashion- able here a few years ago, that " ironmongery " was useless and the rifle all in all. This war is clearly going to show that cold steel is still the king of battles, the ultima ratio. It is impossible at the present moment to say what is the strength of the Turks in Adrianople and outside it, but we should imagine that the force in Adrianople is not large, and that the great bulk of the Turkish army—say a quarter of a million men—is to the south on the railway line, by which alone it can be fed. If we are wrong, and the force cut off in Adrianople is large, the Turkish position must be very grave. Adrianople has not stores sufficient to feed a large number of men for more than a few days.