26 OCTOBER 1912, page 30

Writing The Short Story. By J. Berg Esenwein. (andrew...

6s. net.)—Mr. Esenwein, being the editor of " Lippin- cott's Magazine," has presumably read as many short stories as anyone ; and from his wide experience he has produced "a......

The Quarterlies.

THE Edinburgh Review contains an article upon "The Problem of Persia," by Mr. Levet Fraser, who argues with much weight in favour of Sir Edward Grey's policy and the......

Le Moliere Du Itre &me : Bernard Shaw. By Augustin

Eamon. (Eugbne Figuibre, 7 Rue Corneille, Paris. 3fr. 50c. net.) —In Germany Mr. Bernard Shaw has been a popular dramatist for many years. Many of his works are now included in......

Some Books Of The Week.

' [Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserred for review in other forms.] The Cambridge Manuals of Science and Literature. 7 vols. (Cambridge......