26 OCTOBER 1912, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " BERCl/TOR:1 SIR,—Referring to your article "The Policy of the Unionists," in the Spectator, October 12th, there is a point which, I think, you might have used in your argument against the continua- tion of the Irish old-age pensions in the event of the Home Rule Bill being passed. The Nationalists frequently argue that if self-government could be granted to the Boers of the Transvaal, who were so recently the enemies of Great Britain,

why should not self-government be given to Ireland, dm. P If it be unthinkable that Great Britain should pay old-age pensions to the aged inhabitants of the Transvaal, it should be just as unthinkable for the Irish to expect Great Britain to pay them old-age pensions when they also have an independent legislature and administration.—I am, Sir, &c.,