26 OCTOBER 1912, Page 18


[To THE EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—With reference to the article on Strindberg in your issue of September 21st, perhaps the writer may like to have his attention called to an article descriptive of Strindberg'a last days which appeared in a recent number of the monthly magazine of the Bible society, "The Bible in the World." The article was written by Dr. Carl Fries of Stockholm, chairman of the World's Student Christian Federation, and was entitled "An Impressive Testimony." He points out that Strindberg was often seen to read the Bible during his last illness, and the day before he died he took the Bible from the table, lifted it with both hands, and said, "All personal grudge is now gone; I have settled with life, my accounts are closed. This (meaning the Bible) is the only true guide." He then pressed the Bible to his heart and announced as his last will that when life had ceased the Bible should be placed upon his breast, together with a small cross which he used to wear round his neck. The verse of the hymn sung at the funeral rite of the Church of Sweden was found to have been specially marked by Strindberg in his hymn-book.—I am,