26 OCTOBER 1962, Page 15


SIR,—So distressed is Mrs. Hime by Bryan Magee's observations concerning Conservative redis- tribution of wealth that she has failed to grasp his main premise, that despite a gloss of affluence society remains based on inequality. The fact that the poor are better off does not make them less unequal; merely less poor.

Mrs. Hime is impressed by the high wages and motor-cars of her council-house neighbours. If she is really taken in by these affluent trappings I suggest that she poses two questions to any of her neigh- bours: (a) How much of your wage is dependent on overtime?

(b) What hope have you of obtaining a mortgage on a house of your choice (in a place of your choosing)?

The answers may give Mrs.. Hime an insight into the nature of Mr. Magee's article.

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