26 OCTOBER 1962, Page 16

SIR,—What on earth is Miss Lisa Hughes's letter about? What

is the connection between 'the se„,,t2s costumes and forestage designed by Richard Ner: all particularly appropriate to this Norwegian taLe,; and 'the timeless beauty of, say, Fry's Fry Curtntatalf.:. Has Mr. F written a design or a play?

perhaps, written an English talc? Has n`

Three questions : (i) Is Mr. Bamber Gascoign', opinion of the Chichester Festival an isolated OF: I am certain that a great many members of tri, public agreed with those critics who stated that P; Chances and The Broken Heart really weren't woler rediscovering. (ii) What divine or superhuman Pc)," 3 does Miss Hughes possess that she can describe at new play as 'timeless'? The cheek of it. (iii) " arc the 'dynamic possibilities' that Sir Laurence going to be aware of? Miss Hughes is not clear °fl this matter. The only example of sane reflection in the afore' d mentioned lady's outburst occurs in one well-phra4 sentence. She asks, 'What about King Henry' s' r, Mary Stuart, Ghosts, Macbeth, Julius Cirsar, Joan and so on? Yes, indeed. What about therri'l, PAUL RAW 25.4, Westbourne Gardens, W2