27 APRIL 1907, Page 41

The Handbook to Cyprus, 1907. Compiled by Sir P. T.

Hutchin- son and Claude Delaval Cobham. (E. Stanford. 2s. 6d. net.)— Sir J. T. Hutchinson is Chief Justice of the island and Mr. Cob- ham is Commissioner at Larnaca. The information given comes, therefore, on the best authority. It concerns irrigation (which is being actively carried on), agriculture, the fauna and flora (with details of sport), population, revenue, &e. The population has increased from 186,173 in 1681 to 237,022 in 1901, the greatest 'growth being at Nicosia, where the numbers were 11,530 and 14,752. The lepers are 135, of whom 96 are segregated in the leper farm. In 1906 the revenue was 4258,212 and the expendi- ture 2159,117. This leaves a handsome balance, but the tribute to Turkey of 292,799 has to be paid and some help has to be given by the Imperial Government. Living is cheap, beef being 4)d. to 5d. per pound, mutton 4d. to 6d., bread ltd., woodcock and partridges 6/4., milk 4d. the quart, and wine about 9d. the gallon. House-rent and service are both cheap.