27 APRIL 1907, page 30

[to Ter Editor Or Thy 5pictator.1 Sts,—referring To...

interesting letter, 'fp your issue of April 20th, it may be useful to point out that there is a delightful little book written by Colonel John Biddulph entitled "Striiger......

A Parliament Of Women.

[To THE EDITOR 07 THY SPICTAT011.1 Sia,—I venture to make a suggestion with reference to the vexed question of female suffrage, which evidently, for good or for evil, will force......

Letters To Tit E Editor.

[To Tea Eorrox or Tam Srscmort...] SIR, — Would you allow me to enter a modest protest against Mr. Haldane's summary sentence upon the Roman Empire in his excellent speech at......

Clive And Stringer Lawrence. [to Ram Editor 07 Tim...

SI8,—In a letter in your issue of April 20th Colonel Harcourt, in his desire to do justice to the honoured memory of Colonel Stringer Lawrence, has done much less than justice......