27 APRIL 1912, Page 19

We fully expect that before the parade takes place the

London Reserve will total 30,000. When, however, the parade has taken place, and thus the existence of the National Reserve has been brought home to thousands of men who have not yet heard of it, we can hardly doubt that the figures will soon reach 50,000. We may note here that the London Parade on Saturday, June 8th, is to take place at six o'clock. This secures the presence of many men who would otherwise be unable to get away from their civil duties. The brigades of the Division will, as a rule, assemble at their headquarters, that is, at the municipal buildings of the London boroughs to which they belong, and march thence to Hyde Park. A vast number of Londoners will thus have the opportunity of seeing a most impressive spectacle, the march of the veterans through the streets—a spectacle confined to no one quarter of London. The National Reserve will on June 8th pervade the whole city and make men understand in a way that nothing else can what an asset the nation possesses in its ex-soldiers.