27 APRIL 1912, page 14

William Bennett Campion.

William Bennett Campion, Serjeant - at - Law. (Hodges, Figgis and Co. 3s. Od. net.)—Serjeant Campion was by common consent a great lawyer, though, as he resolutely stood aside......

Readings Frani The Bible Apocrypha. Selected And Arranged...

Mary Ecroyd. (H. Frowde. 2s. net.)—Many persons must have felt that the lectionary, oven after the last revision, left much that was unsatisfying at least for purposes of......

Geography Of The World. By B. C. Wallis. (macmillan And

Co. 3s. ed. not.)—This book may be taken as a characteristic example of what may be called the "New Geography," the geography which deals with "the forces which tend to shape......

In The Series Of "grant Allen's Historical Guides" (grant...

we have The Smaller Tuscan Towns, by J. N. and A. M. Cruickshank. 3s. 61 net.—The book is in geographical divisions, "Northern," " Southern," "Central," &c., and some twenty......

A Short Syntate Of New Testament Greek. By The Rev.

IL P. V. Nunn. (Cambridge University Press. 2s. ed. net.)—Mr. Nunn's theory is that those who do not begin to learn Greek early should learn it from the New Testament.......