27 APRIL 1912, Page 19

We publish in another column a suggestion by a corre-

spondent that the Government machinery for enforcing the Act is totally inadequate. Whether he is right in his specific contention we shall not attempt to say ; but even if he is not the Government will certainly have great trouble in hunting out the men and women who will let everything drift until they are literally forced to take action. It must be remem- bered that, though the machinery is no doubt adequate to compel the employer to make his payments, he cannot be called on to discharge persons in his employment if they will not comply with the Act. To put it in another way. The law does not oblige Mrs. Smith to hunt her housemaid and cook round the house and insist upon their joining a friendly society. If they tell her that they have not yet decided what they mean to do she becomes powerless. In fact, no man or woman can stick stamps until there is something to stick them upon.