27 APRIL 1912, Page 30


Sr,—Mr. Davey writing in your issue of April 13th defends . Home Rule on the ground that it is the wish of the Irish people as a whole. In all legislation, Mr. Davey tells us, the minority must conform to the views of the majority. Sup- posing this to be true, of what is the electorate to consist P Why should its extent be determined by geographical boundaries P Race and not geographical position should be the determining factor in the constitution of an electorate. And racially there is a great gulf between the men of North- east Ulster and those of Leinster, Munster, and Connaught. Ulster is in a minority, it is true, but it is a minority in an arbitrarily conceived electorate. It would be as fair to take a plebiscite of the whole United Kingdom. Such a plebiscite would probably result in a majority for the continuation of the Union. Would then a part of Ireland ho allowed to "contract out" of the legislation consequent on such a census